Friday 18 May 2018


Thanks for taking the time to visit my website.

I hope you find the blog posts and pages a useful insight into Peter Worby Antiques Restoration, including: the services available, areas of work and an introduction to me.

If you would like to find out further information, or perhaps have a project, please contact me. I am happy to talk on the phone, through text message or via e-mail.

Best wishes.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Get in touch

Spring is in full swing and the Summer months are fast approaching. Our attentions turn to our gardens and the great outdoors, but we still give thought to the indoors of our houses.

Do you have any furniture, outdoor or indoor, that needs restoring? Get in touch for a conversation and/or to arrange for a quote.

Best wishes.

Monday 26 October 2015

Autumn Newsletter

I start this Autumn edition with a reflection on the Summer, which is now a distant memory. This photo was taken during a week on the Norfolk Broads in July. We made the most of the British sunshine from the water's edge, with the occasional trip along the river to local villages. It's difficult to remember skies this colour as the clocks turn back an hour and we start/end our days in darkness.

The darker mornings and evenings gives us an excuse to sit indoors longer and watch the television or read a book. Our surroundings are crucial in taking in that amazing moment on the screen or rushing to the next chapter. Please contact me if you wish to restore the furniture around you to create a more comfortable environment.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Spring Newsletter

Welcome back and Happy Easter!

A simple turn of a clock hand has extended the hours of light during the evenings as the sun starts to set later in the day. Spring is a beautiful season as new life enters the world and refreshes us after a sometimes cold, damp and dark Winter. The recent close attention to the clock and extension of lightness in our homes might uncover the need for restoration to certain pieces of furniture. Please contact me if this is the case to discuss it.

In addition, it gives me pleasure to introduce Alistair Gray's new website. Al is a talented artist in Hertfordshire with paintings to compliment all settings.

Best wishes.

Monday 15 December 2014

December Newsletter

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!

2014's coming to an end as we reflect on another busy year and look forward to what 2015 has in store. Christmas is in full swing with lights, trees and presents taking up all the available space in our homes. If you have any last minute repairs before Christmas Day or have made it a new year's resolution to restore a piece of furniture, please contact me to discuss it.

Best wishes.