Monday 15 December 2014

December Newsletter

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!

2014's coming to an end as we reflect on another busy year and look forward to what 2015 has in store. Christmas is in full swing with lights, trees and presents taking up all the available space in our homes. If you have any last minute repairs before Christmas Day or have made it a new year's resolution to restore a piece of furniture, please contact me to discuss it.

Best wishes.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Autumn Newsletter

Bridge House, Ambleside
Summer's drawing to an end, along with the lighter evenings, and Autumn is closing in. Our recent experience of the Summer is of cold and wet weather, but once upon a time there was a sun! We spent a week in the glorious surroundings of the Lake District, setting up base in Ambleside. The photo (above) is the Bridge House in Ambleside, once an apple store, built over the river to avoid land tax. Our break also included boat trips on Lake Windermere, an open top bus and games of boules.
The Kop, Anfield
En route to the Lake District, we visited Liverpool, including Anfield (above). Football stadium restoration does not feature on my CV, but the Kop is an impressive stand that generates a fantastic atmosphere. Please contact me if you have any restoration needs of your own, big or small, and I am more than happy to give you an estimate.
Best wishes.

Friday 30 May 2014

Summer Newsletter

We enter the great British Summer with the news that Spring was the third hottest since records began (BBC, 'UK weather: Spring set to be the 'third hottest on record', Met Office says'). This is positive news as we cross our fingers for more of the same over the next few months, albeit drier. The lighter evenings encourage us to admire the great outdoors, watching as wild visitors frolic in the dusking sun.

Conservatories and patios give us the perfect setting to enjoy the late sunsets. Contact me to restore indoor or outdoor furniture, making those evenings even more comfortable. I can collect and deliver to meet your needs, including evenings, and am on site for visits during the week.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Spring Newsletter

There are signs of Spring emerging as the wetter and colder weather starts to depart. Spring is a beautiful season as the mornings and evenings become lighter. The birds are singing soon after 6AM as I venture across to the workshop and all throughout the day until I return at the day's end. The lighter evenings also make a difference when delivering in the evening hours across Hertfordshire.

Spring is a good time to relax and enjoy the surroundings, watching as new life enters the world of wildlife. Remember to contact me if you need any restoration work or have any questions. I can collect and deliver to meet your needs, including evenings, and am on site for visits during the week.

Best wishes.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Winter Newsletter

The presents have been unwrapped, the decorations are down and Christmas is now confined to the past. The winter months following December can be bleak as we await new life in spring, but there is much to savour. The evenings are beginning to draw out, the frost is capable of provoking beautiful settings and we can start to look forward to the year ahead.

The colder weather can limit us to our homes, opting to remain in the warm rather than venture out. We, therefore, award greater attention to our furniture as we spend more time upon or surrounding it. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss restoration matters, big or small.

Best wishes for 2014.